Anyone can become a Mystery Shopper. You will not have to learn new skills to be a MS. If you can get around to visit various stores, and speak/write English and are of average intelligence, honest and dependable, you should be all set. To give you an idea of other qualities that are desireable, they are as follows.
- Keen Eye and attention to detail
- Ability to be reliable and impartial
- Good memory is essential as you may not be able to take notes on assignments
- Someone who is outgoing, and able to interact/communicate with all parties involved.
- Being on-time for assignments and returning evaluations within the time-frames allotted are KEY factors in an Agency asking you back.
- Other desirable attributes are being professional, committed, detailed, and unbiased.
Get yourself some coffee. Sit down, and apply to as many companies as you can. Most MS Companies operate almost entirely over the Internet now. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt to spend part of the weekend going through online applications. Be Proactive! Online applications are truly the quickest way for you to get started receiving assignments within the first few days. The majority of MS Agencies have online registratiosn, and everything can be submitted via the internet. Although, you may be asked to mail/fax your application and the Independent Contractor Agreement. You can go online and do a search for “mystery shopping companies, and you would be pleasantly surprised at how many different companies appear. To make it easier for you to get busy shopping faster, I have included Mystery Shopping Company Contacts for you including website addresses, e-mails, street addresses, and phone numbers.
I highly recommend that you apply to as many companies that you can, which will increase the number of assignments you will get. Please be aware, that you must fill in all required fields when filling out the applications. You want to increase your chances as much as possible, of being selected. ( I.E. Have you Drivers License Number handy as some require it ) Free Programs such as Gator and Keyboard Express will fill in the files for you on applications. You can access them online for free.
Its also helpful to prepare a one-paragraph summary of why you want to Mystery Shop and/or of the types of shops you enjoy ( just as a writing sample ) and why are are qualified. You can just do this in MS Word and copy/paste it into your applications.
Info: Pays Reimbursement Only
Hospitality, USA & Canada.
P.O. Box 920760Norcross, GA 30010-0760(770)446-0590http://www.a-closer-look.com/info@a-closer-look.com
Action Research Groupmailto:dinoaction@aol.com
A CUSTOMERS POINT OF VIEW9442 S. Main St. Suite 119AJonesboro, GA 30236(770) 477-1719 http://acpview.com/info@acpview.com
Info: Retail Stores, Restaurants, Casinos, Shopping Malls, Banks & Hotels.
Site Lists Avail. Jobs4915 West 35th St, Suite 206St. Louis Park, MN 55416http://www.bestmark.com/shopperinfo@bestmark.com
Info: Site Lists Avail. JobsP.O. Box 5240Madison, WI 53705800-321-2588https://www.beyondhello.com/secure/index.htmtasha@beyondhello.com
Info: Automot., Theme Prk, Banking,
Rest., Retail, Gas Stat. Site lists Shops 2920 F Street # E-15Bakersfield, CA. 93301888-300-8292http://www.mysteryshopperservices.com/websitejobs@mysteryshopperservices.com
Info: MS, Theatre Checks, Evaluations, Auditing. Site Lists Available Jobs7 Hudson StreetKinderhook NY 12106518-758-6400http://www.certifiedreports.com/mbruno@certifiedreports.com
CHECK MARK, INC.4013 Bach BuxtonBatavia OH, 451031-800-866-8836http://www.checkmarkinc.com/info@checkmarkinc.com
CHECK-UP MARKETINGInfo: Various. Dept. Stores, Specialty Shops, Restaurants, Convenience Stores, Gas Stations, Hotels & Banks.
5109 Holly Ridge Drive, Suite 210Raleigh, North Carolina 27612919-782-7581http://www.checkupmarketing.com/secretshopper@checkupmarketing.com
Info: Retail, Grocery, Automotive,
Site Lists Available Shops.1152 Executive Circle, Suite 100Cary NC 27511(800)326-3880http://www.conferoinc.com/info@conferoinc.com
Customer Perspectives
Info: Restaurants, Banks, Dept. Stores
Site Lists Avail Jobs - USA & Canada
213 West River RoadHooksett, New Hampshire 03106-2628800-CPSHOPShttp://www.customerperspectives.com/mailto:info@customerperspectives.com
Dynamic Service Group
Info: Merchandising Work http://dynamicservicegroup.com/sheri@dynamicservicegroup.com
Date Applied:
Shopper ID:
Employee Evaluators
Info: National Shops in Banking,
Retail, Hospitality, Property Mgt.1710 Manor Hill Rd.Findlay, OH 45840Fax: (216) 274-9076http://www.mysteryshops.com/mailto:mmallett@mysteryshops.com
Eye on Retailhttp://www.eyeonretail.com/mailto:sarac@eyeonretail.com
Feedback Plus5580 Peterson Lane, Suite 120, LB 19Dallas, Texas 75240-5157(800)882-SHOPhttp://www.feedbackplusinc.com/mailto:Feedback@GoFeedback.com
ICC/ Decision Services
Info: National - Apply to Shops On-lineP.O. Box 188Wayne, NJ 07474(973)890-8611http://www.iccds.com/index.htmlmailto:info@iccds.com
imystP.O. Box 7733Ann Arbor, MI 48107(248)338-2225http://www.imyst.com/mailto:team@imyst.com
Password:Indiana Research Company8126 Sagimore CtFt. Wayne, IN 46835260-485-2442http://indianaresearch.com/mailto:ccage@indianaresearch.com
Infinity Assurance Group23161 Mill Creek Drive Suite 100Laguna Hills, CA 92653(949)586-4989http://www.infinityag.com/mailto:mwalling@infinityag.com
Info: Retail, Restaurants, Health Clubs, Financial Institutions, Cruse, and Tour Co's - Apply to Jobs Instantly-1st Come Basis3190 South Bascom Avenue Suite 100San Jose, CA 95124800-876-1110 Ext. 34 http://www.infotelinc.com//jobpostmailto:sales@infotelinc.com
J.M. Ridgway Company,Inc.
Info: Transportation Terminals, Retail 1066 Saratoga Ave, Suite 120San Jose, CA 95129-3401800-367-7434http://www.jmridgway.com/mailto:jmridgway@worldnet.att.net
Ken-Rich Retail Group4251 Jones LaneBellingham,WA 98225360-756-1403http://www.ken-rich.com/mailto:info@ken-rich.com
Kern Schedulinghttp://www.sassieshop.com/kern
Date Applied:
Shopper ID:
Password: Maritz Research
Info: MS, & Audits/USA & UK
Requires all Virtual Customers become
Employees1355 North Highway DriveFenton, St. Louis County, MO, 63099800-446-1690http://www.maritzresearch.com/Showcase/virt_frameset.htmlmailto:maritzresearch@maritz.com
Palm Scheduling Services(562)944-1313http://www.palmschedulingservices.com/mailto:PSSscheduler1@aol.com
Info: MS and Audits / USA & Canada13950 Ballantyne Corporate Place, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28277800-553-9807http://www.pktnshop.com/mailto:info@psg-pinkerton.com
Satisfaction Services
Info: Various MS OpportunitiesP.O. Box 11045Fort Lauderdale Florida 33301800-564 6574http://www.satisfactionservicesinc.com/contact@satisfactionservicesinc.com
Second To None,Inc. (sleuths)
Info: Retail, Rest., Site Lists Avail. Jobs
3045 Miller RoadAnn Arbor, MI 48103734-302-8400http://www.second-to-none.com/dialogue@second-to-none.com
:Service Evaluation Concepts55 East Ames CourtPlanview, NY 11803516-576-1188http://www.serviceevaluation.com/mailto:employment@serviceevaluation.com
SHOPPERS' VIEW800-264-5677http://www.shoppersview.com/Pam@shoppersview.com
Service Quest
Info: Worldwide Shopping Opportunities4950-C York Grove # 236P.O. Box 2000Buckingham PA 18912-2000800-764-1996http://www.myservicequest.com/mailto:info@myservicequest.com
Service Research Corporation - sleuths
Info: MS, Surveys, Focus Groups6201 South 58th, Suite ALincoln, NE 68516(402)434-5000http://www.serviceresearch.com/mailto:info@serviceresearch.com
Howard Services - service sleuthsInfo: Retail and Restaurants
Franklin Office Park38 Pond St. Suite 104Franklin, MA 02038(508)520-1500http://www.howardservices.com/homess.htmlmailto:Servsleuth@aol.com
Shop'n Chek
Info: Offices WW - Site Lists Avail. JobsP.O. Box 740045Atlanta GA 30374-0045800-669-6526http://www.shopnchek.com/mailto:ShopRecruit@shopnchek.com
Shoppers' Critique International636 Florida Central ParkwayLongwood, FL 32750(800) 633-6194http://www.shopperscritique.com/mailto:mail@shopperscritique.com
Trend Source - sleuths111 Elm Street Suite 100San Diego, CA 92101(619) 239-2543http://www.trendsource.com/mailto:ccaussey@trendsource.com

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