It’s true, you can be paid for doing something you already love to do, and have been doing anyways. Shopping! I know, its depressing to actually think of “shopping” as fun without feeling guilty in these rough economic times, but this makes Mystery Shopping even so much more exciting. Mystery Shopping has become vary popular, and the market is now filled with shoppers world-wide. You are paid as an independent contractor and can sign up to do mystery shopping for several differnet companies at a time.
A Mystery Shopper acts as a regular customer that goes under-cover to assigned establishments (Retail Department Stores, Restaurants, Dealerships, etc.) to evaluate Customer Service. MS gather useful information about the business and reports results back to the MS Company.
The Marketing Company uses the reports to analyze the performance of the business, and give suggestions/recommendations to employers on what to do to improve their business and customer satisfaction. Employers want feedback on their staff and work environment. They have set standards and want to ensure they are being met. Mystery Shoppers are paid anywhere from $5 for a Fast Food and/or SuperMarket Shop to $100 for a more involved shop such as Opening a Bank Account or Evaluating the Airport Ticket Counter Service. Shoppers can make their own hours and can work as much or as little as you want.
You won’t get rich Mystery Shopping, but you will add hundreds of extra dollars to your income each month! Just about any type of business you can think of can benefit from Mystery Shopping. Mystery Shopping has grown to be a 500 Million Dollar Industry. Some additional examples of shops are below:
A Mystery Shopper acts as a regular customer that goes under-cover to assigned establishments (Retail Department Stores, Restaurants, Dealerships, etc.) to evaluate Customer Service. MS gather useful information about the business and reports results back to the MS Company.
The Marketing Company uses the reports to analyze the performance of the business, and give suggestions/recommendations to employers on what to do to improve their business and customer satisfaction. Employers want feedback on their staff and work environment. They have set standards and want to ensure they are being met. Mystery Shoppers are paid anywhere from $5 for a Fast Food and/or SuperMarket Shop to $100 for a more involved shop such as Opening a Bank Account or Evaluating the Airport Ticket Counter Service. Shoppers can make their own hours and can work as much or as little as you want.
You won’t get rich Mystery Shopping, but you will add hundreds of extra dollars to your income each month! Just about any type of business you can think of can benefit from Mystery Shopping. Mystery Shopping has grown to be a 500 Million Dollar Industry. Some additional examples of shops are below:
Example of a Restaurant Shop:
You would evaluate the cleanliness, and service received, etc.
Performing light/medium work stocking, and arranging clothing, accessories, mark-downs, some assignments require working with plan-o-grams but not all do. Back-to-School and X-Mas time are Desirable times for this type of work as you get to work more hours! Generally pays $10/HR.
Performing light/medium work stocking, and arranging clothing, accessories, mark-downs, some assignments require working with plan-o-grams but not all do. Back-to-School and X-Mas time are Desirable times for this type of work as you get to work more hours! Generally pays $10/HR.
Exit Interviews:
Standing outside of a restaurant, and asking customers if they would answer a few questions about their dining experience as they walk out.
Ask Customers to Rate Questions from 1-10 which takes less than 5 minutes.
You would typically stay until 20 interviews are completed.
Standing outside of a restaurant, and asking customers if they would answer a few questions about their dining experience as they walk out.
Ask Customers to Rate Questions from 1-10 which takes less than 5 minutes.
You would typically stay until 20 interviews are completed.
You could have an assignment at a Department store where you have to check pricing vs. what appears in the registers. This type of assignment pays $10/$12 per hour and usually takes an Hour and a half to complete. You will need to bring a calculator with you. For this shop, you walk around the store with someone from Management and pick out clothing/merchandise items from different departments to price check. You would write the SKU’s down and the Sale Sign Price/Percentages. You would proceed to the registers where the Manager price checks these items. You have to document whether they are an overchange/undercharge and figure the percentage. You subtract the errors from the total amount to determine the percentage.
You could have an assignment at a Department store where you have to check pricing vs. what appears in the registers. This type of assignment pays $10/$12 per hour and usually takes an Hour and a half to complete. You will need to bring a calculator with you. For this shop, you walk around the store with someone from Management and pick out clothing/merchandise items from different departments to price check. You would write the SKU’s down and the Sale Sign Price/Percentages. You would proceed to the registers where the Manager price checks these items. You have to document whether they are an overchange/undercharge and figure the percentage. You subtract the errors from the total amount to determine the percentage.
***Shopping, Making Money, Plus free merchandise, and meals can mean endless opportunity for you!

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