After my first child I decided I needed a bit of relief from working a full 40 hour work week and proposed an alternative work schedule. My employer did not have a policy so I had to propose one for the first time. I was able to get my proposal approved, from a company that traditionally values "face time". The 9 hours, 9 days did not work out however, I was able to negotiate a half day each Friday instead. So, it actually worked out for the better as I'm able to benefit weekly from my new arrangement! A happy mom, able to see her kids more, and still get work tasks done is fabulous.
To help all the other ( WOHM's )Work outside the home moms out there, I will post a sample of what I used to convince management to approve my flexible work arrangment. Good Luck to everyone!
Sample Letter:
DATE: 7/2/09
TO: Human Resources and/or Direct Manager
FROM: Loyal Employee
RE: Proposal for Flexible Work Arrangement
Dear Human Resources and/or Direct Manager:
Enclosed please find a proposal outlining a plan for restructuring my current full-time position as Senior Buyer into a full-time and equally-productive compressed workweek arrangement. This issue is important to me and I hope you will consider my ideas to achieve a balance that could prove beneficial to the department and allow me time to address personal issues.
Thank you for your consideration.
Flexible Work Arrangement Proposal
I have been employed at Widgets Incorporated for approximately 4 years and believe I am very committed to the quality of my work. Lately, I have been finding it somewhat challenging to address family issues due to my full-time work schedule and 45 minute commute. My ability to balance work and family needs would be greatly enhanced with a modification of work schedule.
The plan outlined below is a mutually-beneficial approach to retaining my training and experience that will also lead to an increase in on-the-job productivity.
A. Schedule
The proposed work schedule is nine, nine-hour days, with a day off every other week. I would like to propose a 3 month trial period, with an evaluation mid-way to see how well it is working.
Attendance requirements at meetings, trainings and other functions will be met with proper scheduling.
B. Job Responsibilities
With the proposed arrangement, all aspects of my position can be maintained as the number of hours worked per week remains the same. My job effectiveness will not be compromised by this new arrangement.
Most projects have timelines already in place and I will continue to organize my time to support these deadlines. With effective communication and some additional pre-planning, my absence should not have an impact.
C. Benefits the Department and Widgets Incorporated:
There are several benefits to the Purchasing department, Widgets Incorporated and suppliers:
Ÿ Extended service as hours are extended on a daily basis
Ÿ Increased efficiency and productivity when analyzing data, quotes, and commodity research that require long periods of uninterrupted concentration and quiet time.
Ÿ Enhanced productivity due to increased morale.
Ÿ Decreased absenteeism because of the ability to schedule personal appointments on the weekday I’m not scheduled to work.
D. Communication
I will inform my colleagues, and suppliers of my modified work schedule and availability.
I am available by company cell phone and e-mail to address any urgent issues and follow-up as necessary.
E. Compensation & Benefits Coverage
As my full-time status will remain unchanged, compensation and benefits coverage will not be affected.
F. Savings
Widgets Incorporated will incur no additional costs as a result of restructuring my schedule in this manner. Widgets Incorporated will also benefit from less absenteeism, which is a documented benefit of flexible work arrangements, by providing me the flexibility which allows me to attend to outside responsibilities without missing work.
G. Evaluation
I suggest this arrangement be given a 3 month trial period with periodic review as necessary. A decision whether to continue or further modify the arrangement would be made then.
It is my desire to continue on staff and contribute to Widgets Incorporated. I possess the motivation and ability to manage my role as Senior Buyer successfully in a compressed workweek arrangement.
Approval of this proposal protects Widgets Incorporated investment in a trained and experienced Buyer through continued retention of a loyal employee. Support of this arrangement will permit a sustained level of commitment to Widgets Incorporated.
This proposal to restructure my position considers both employee and employer needs, but I am open to discussion about concerns that may not have been addressed and welcome your suggestions for making the new arrangement successful.
Your Name Here
Benefits of Flexible Work Arrangements
The 2007 president of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Susan Meisinger, wrote about the positive outcomes employers are reporting from use of flexible work schedules. They include increased retention, loyalty and morale; higher productivity; and decreased tardiness and absenteeism. April 2007 HR Magazine (p. 12)
“Work/life balance is the benefits strategy that employers rate as the single most important (43%) in meeting their benefits objectives.” (1,548 HR/ Benefits executives surveyed.) The MetLife Study of Employee Benefits Trends, November 2003
Likewise, many on Fortune magazine’s list of Best Companies offer flexible work:
Baby Formula Checks in the Mail… $5, $11, $20 and More!
It seems more and more everyone is referring to Craigslist for anything and everything lately, and baby formula is no exception.
Mothers and others are trading Baby Formula checks to collect the brand they really need, or trade for cash, formula rebates or other coupons.
I really wish I knew about this for my first child. You can save a ton by persistently keeping up with the trades.
Here’s an example of how you can maximize savings
First, ensure you have signed up for all Formula welcome programs Online.
You can even ask your Mom or Sister to do this on your behalf so you have more samples and coupons coming your way.
Cost Savings Calculation:
Formula $24.58/ 23 Ounce Can (approx)….. Retail,
Sale $22.99, less $5.00 Check Coupon = $17.99
Often times Grocery Stores allow you to use more than one of the Manufacturer Checks for Infant Formula so you may be able to continue to realize additional savings depending on your store and location
New Mom’s Online Sign-up Check-list for Free Stuff, Coupons, Rebates and More Must-Have Goodies
Write letters. As new Mom’s have at least 6 weeks to recouperate after pregnancy, you should make the most of it by planning tasks to complete during your time off.
Start your own product review. Why not evaluate all the baby gear you begin using on your newborn and send letters to each particular company. You will probably get coupons or free samples in return.
This is especially easy with children’s food.
For example, if you have older children who enjoy a particular food product, why not write a letter to the company explaining how great their snacks, are and you feel good about feeding your child healthy snacks. You get the idea. You will receive a thank you letter in return and most likely some coupons for free product or samples.

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