Nov. 12 Warren Community Center: Craft Show 9-4 FREE Admission. 5460 Arden Drive
Warren, MI 586-268-8400,
Nov. 12 St. Clair Shores: Craft Show; 9-4; St. Germaine School, 28250 Rockwood; 586-944-3283,
Nov. 12 Clinton Twp: Chippewa Valley H.S. Band Boosters Holiday Craft Show; 10-4; 19 Mile (west of Romeo Plank); $2, no strollers; or 586-713-8888
Nov. 12 Roseville: Church Bazaar; 10-3; Trinity United Methodist Church, 18303 Common; 586-776-8828
Nov. 12 Sterling Heights: Craft Show; 9 am; St. Thomas Lutheran Church, 8771 E. 15; 586-268-2170
Nov. 19 St. Clair Shores: Craft Show; 9-4; St. Gertrude Activity Center, 28839 Jefferson; 586-524-7224
Nov. 19-20 Warren: Crafty Buyers Shoppe; Warren Woods Tower High School, 27900 Bunert; 586-439-4402

I missed out this past weekend going to my 2 favorite Craft Shows which are Warren Woods Tower HS and De La Salle! If anyone has the list of vendors from the show please e-mail me!