Baby Formula Checks in the Mail… $5, $11, $20 and More!
It seems more and more everyone is referring to Craigslist for anything and everything lately, and baby formula is no exception.
Mothers and others are trading Baby Formula checks to collect the brand they really need, or trade for cash, formula rebates or other coupons.
I really wish I knew about this for my first child. You can save a ton by persistently keeping up with the trades.
Here’s an example of how you can maximize savings
First, ensure you have signed up for all Formula welcome programs Online.
You can even ask your Mom or Sister to do this on your behalf so you have more samples and coupons coming your way.
Cost Savings Calculation:
Formula $24.58/ 23 Ounce Can (approx)….. Retail,
Sale $22.99, less $5.00 Check Coupon = $17.99
Often times Grocery Stores allow you to use more than one of the Manufacturer Checks for Infant Formula so you may be able to continue to realize additional savings depending on your store and location
New Mom’s Online Sign-up Check-list for Free Stuff, Coupons, Rebates and More Must-Have Goodies
Write letters. As new Mom’s have at least 6 weeks to recouperate after pregnancy, you should make the most of it by planning tasks to complete during your time off.
Start your own product review. Why not evaluate all the baby gear you begin using on your newborn and send letters to each particular company. You will probably get coupons or free samples in return.
This is especially easy with children’s food.
For example, if you have older children who enjoy a particular food product, why not write a letter to the company explaining how great their snacks, are and you feel good about feeding your child healthy snacks. You get the idea. You will receive a thank you letter in return and most likely some coupons for free product or samples.